Annual General Meeting
Tue May 08, 2018, 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Location: Plattsville Arena (upstairs)
Mark your calendars and plan on attending our AGM - learn more about how our organization runs and take the opportunity to provide your feedback.
Plattsville & District Minor Hockey Association
Annual General Meeting
Tuesday May 7th 2018 – 7:00pm – Arena (Lion’s Hall)
1. Call to Order
2. Welcome & Introduction of the Executive
3. Approval of the minutes from the 2016-17 AGM, April 11th 2017
4. President's Report (John Scoyne)
5. Financial Report (Tina Balfour)
6. Directors Reports (summary of the season's activities, any updates)
OMHA Rep/Registrar (Ami Bondy)
Grand River Local League Rep (Trevor Braunig)
Southern Counties League Rep (Brad Smith)
Coach Mentor (Gerry Bes)
Chief Ref (Adam Vollmer)
Wicket / Timekeeper Manager (Lisa Hendricks/John Scoyne)
Equipment Manager (Dan Glendinning)
Little Brave/Tournament Convenor (Trevor Baer)
Events Coordinator (Angie Kubert)
Hockey Parent Rep (Geoff Dow)
Fundraising Rep (Laura Quinn)
7. Constitution/ Bylaw Motions
8. Executive Elections/Selection
Coach Mentor
Equipment Manager
Hockey Parent Rep
Members-at-Large (up to 5)
9. New Business / Membership Feedback
10. Raffle Draw
11. Adjournment
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