Important Information for Rep Tryouts/Evaluations, News (Plattsville & District Minor Hockey)

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Sep 17, 2024 | Nana Schneider | 748 views
Important Information for Rep Tryouts/Evaluations
Our Rep Tryouts/Evaluations are just around the corner, and we wanted to ensure everyone had the information required to be successful through this process.

For U9 Parents
Please keep an eye out for more details about upcoming U9MD information session for parents. 

For All Rep Programs, U11-U15 Evaluations, see below for more details:
1. All players must complete the tryout/evaluation registration form to confirm interest in attending the tryouts.

We are requesting forms be completed a minimum of 2 days before your first evaluation to ensure player information can be shared with evaluators and for coaches to plan based on numbers.
2.  If you are registering for the extra ice time, but are NOT interested in playing rep, please ensure you check the correct box on the above-linked form.
3. Upon arrival at the arena for your first ice time, funds (cash only) will be collected for the ice fee ($25/player) and a pinny/jersey will be assigned to each player to use throughout the evaluation process.
4. Coaches will communicate directly with parents/players about signings and releases.
5. All players are guaranteed 2 ice times during the tryout/evaluation process.

For U13 Evaluations
1.  Since we are not rostering a U13 Rep team this year, the ice time will be leveraged for extra training for those who are interested, and to ensure proper team placement for players interested in playing up in the U15 LL division
2.  Any U15 player wishing to have no-body contact (an active component of the U15 try-out process) will also be able to skate during the U13 timeslots.

For U15 Evaluations
1.  The first evaluation will be leveraged for our body-checking clinic. All players trying out for the U15 Rep program must complete a body-checking clinic to be eligible to play. If you have a 2nd year player who played LL last year or 1st year in the U15 program please ensure you communicate with the head coach if you are unable to make this ice time.
2.  Players who would like the extra ice time but want a zero-contact experience, and are looking to play U15 LL can attend the scheduled U13 ice times – please confirm this following the completion of your form so we can plan group sizes appropriately.

if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out.

- Jeremy Goodfellow, Shawn Crozier, and Melissa Oakes