Register by June 15 to avoid late fees!, News (Plattsville & District Minor Hockey)

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Jun 12, 2023 | Tina Balfour | 530 views
Register by June 15 to avoid late fees!
Returning PDMHA Players:  register by June 15th and take advantage of the early registration rates! An additional late fee of $250/player is added for registrations received after June 15th, for returning U8/U9 and older divisions - please register now and help us plan for the upcoming season. 

While late fees are not applied to player registrations for U7 and below (Initiation Program), nor for new or transfer players, we do encourage you to register sooner rather than later as this greatly aids in our planning.

Full refunds are provided if registration is cancelled by Labour Day.

We also welcome NRP players (from A/AA/AAA centres) for U13, U15, and U18 divisions, as well as transfers and new registrations in all divisions! 

Note that evaluations and tryouts for all rep level teams take place in September.

Registration Information