Hockey Returns Feb. 16th!
We are excited to welcome our players back to the ice, starting Tuesday Feb 16th!
With Southwestern PHU being placed in the "Red-control" zone set of health and safety restrictions, hockey won't look quite the same as it did before the lockdown went into effect.
More details...
In particular:
- only one team of 10 players is allowed on the ice at one time; no shared ice time for practices
- only training instruction is allowed, with no games and no scrimmages; physical distancing must be maintained during practice
We realize that some families may not feel comfortable having their child return to hockey at this point - in such cases, we ask that you contact your child's coach to let them know.
We are in the process of working out arrangements for our U7 Initiation Program teams - an update will be provided on Wednesday, and their first ice time will be Sat. Feb. 20th.
Health and safety
Arena_Protocols remain in place, including:
- a mask, fully covering nose and mouth, must be worn by all individuals when inside the facility; this includes players while in the changeroom, and their mask can only be removed while on the ice (and moving between the ice surface and changeroom)
- one parent/guardian per player under the age of 18 is allowed
- anyone entering the facility must self-assess before leaving home, and then check-in at the front door
Let's all do our part, to keep the case numbers on a downward trend - and hopefully, our PHU can move back into at least the "Orange-Restrict" classification soon.
Take care everyone, stay safe and we'll see you at the rink!
Covid-19 Ontario Zones & Restrictions
OMHA Covid-19 Updates