Mask Policy in Changerooms, News (Plattsville & District Minor Hockey)

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Oct 23, 2020 | Tina Balfour | 916 views
Mask Policy in Changerooms
We would like to remind our hockey families of the mask policy while inside the arena, including the changerooms. 

Players need to continue wearing their face covering, and it should only be removed as they put on their helmets before heading out to the ice surface.  The same policy applies after the ice time - once back in the changeroom and the helmet comes off, the face mask needs to go back on.

The mask policy must be followed if we want to continue being able to use the changerooms. We also need to be sensitive to the fact that some of our players & parents are going home to others with immune deficiencies. 

Thanks for everyone's co-operation in keeping our arena a place that is safe for all and for all to feel safe.