Ice schedule Update, News (Plattsville & District Minor Hockey)

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Sep 29, 2020 | Tina Balfour | 936 views
Ice schedule Update

It's the last week of September and we have welcomed in the official start of Fall.  In a normal season, we would now be wrapping up the evaluation/tryout process and be finalizing teams.  But we all know that this is no normal season!

We decided to extend the "Evaluations" schedule for one more week, and thus the ice times for each age division for the week of Sept. 29-Oct 4 will follow the same schedule as last week.

We are still receiving inquiries about new registrations, as well as notifications of cancelled registrations - and this is certainly expected.  With the fluctuating numbers, and this year's added restriction of a maximum of nine skaters plus one goalie per team, it has been a bit of a challenge - but we are committed to accommodating as many players interested in hockey this season as possible, and the formation of age and skill appropriate teams. 

Thanks for your patience as we work through this process.  We expect to have our regular ice time schedule in place by the week of Oct. 6th.  For now, we hope that all players are happy with being able to get back on the ice!!