Elmira Poultry Fundraiser, News (Plattsville & District Minor Hockey)

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Nov 09, 2019 | Tina Balfour | 799 views
Elmira Poultry Fundraiser
Our association's annual Elmira Poultry fundraising campaign is well underway! 

If required, you can print extra/replacement Order Forms here.

Once again, proceeds from the fundraiser are being split between the teams and the association......

...half of the funds raised by each team are returned to that team to use towards tournament costs (or as decided by the team)!

Order forms and payment are due Sunday Nov. 17th, with product scheduled for delivery on Wednesday Dec. 4th.

We will also be looking for four to six volunteers to help on Dec. 4th, with sorting and monitoring pickup of orders.  If you can help for a 3hr shift (either 2pm-5pm, or 5pm-8pm), please contact Laura Quinn.  Helpers will be eligible to earn back their $100 volunteer fee.