Rowan's Law: Action Required, News (Plattsville & District Minor Hockey)

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Sep 09, 2019 | Tina Balfour | 997 views
Rowan's Law: Action Required
Rowan's Law came into effect on July 1 2019, and involves new rules requiring the review of Concussion Awareness Resources and Concussion Codes of Conduct.

The legislation requires ALL:

* players 18 years of age or older,
* parents and guardians of players who are under 18 years of age,
* all bench staff (coaches, trainers, managers, assistant coaches/trainers), and
* all named-insured individuals (on-ice volunteers) 

to make an annual written commitment and acknowledgement that the Ontario Ministry’s Concussion Awareness Resources have been reviewed...

The Acknowledgment form will be required before your player is allowed to go on the ice.  Please review the appropriate document below.  Then print and sign the Acknowledgement form - you can either email the signed form back to Tina ([email protected]) or bring it with you to the opening skate on Thursday Sept. 12th.  There will also be copies of the documentation for review and acknowledgment forms available at the arena on Thursday.

Resource for Players Aged 10 and Under
Resources for Players Aged 11 to 14
Resources for Players Aged 15 and Above

OHF Rowan' s Law Acknowledgement Form 

This new legislation is named in memory of Rowan Stringer who tragically died in 2013 of Second Impact Syndrome, the result of suffering multiple concussions. Rowan’s Law is applicable to 65 sports in Ontario as well as educational institutions.