May 06, 2019 | Tina Balfour | 1021 views
Reminder: Annual General Meeting, Tues. May 7
A quick reminder to all of our members that the AGM is on Tuesday May 7, 7pm at the arena in the Lions Hall upstairs.
This is your chance to learn more about what goes into organizing our association, and to have an opportunity to provide your feedback! There are also a number of positions on the executive board open for election/re-election.
Call to Order
2. Welcome & Introduction of the Executive
3. Approval of the
minutes from the 2017-18 AGM, May 8th 2018
4. President's Report
5. Financial Report
6. Directors Reports
7. Constitution/ Bylaw
Motions (
draft of new documents)
8. Executive Elections/Selection
Southern Counties League Rep
Grand River Local League Rep
Coach Mentor
Initiation Program Coordinator
Chief Ref
Timekeeper/Wicket Manager
Tournament Convenor
Events Coordinator
Fundraising Rep
Members-at-Large (up to 5)
9. New Business / Membership Feedback
10. Adjournment