Off-ice Conditioning Sessions, Summer 2018, News (Plattsville & District Minor Hockey)

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Jun 19, 2018 | Tina Balfour | 982 views
Off-ice Conditioning Sessions, Summer 2018
FREE Pre-tryouts/pre-season off ice conditioning introduction and instruction sessions being offered throughout the summer!  First session takes place Monday June 25th.

For some players and parents, this form of training may be new to you, or may be you have at least heard of it. The exercises and activities are safe for all age groups. The training does not include weights nor weight training; just body weight, and a willingness to try. 

Training includes:
   - strength training and stretching
   - speed, agility, power drills
   - cardiovascular drills
   - body, mind and muscle awareness
   - motivation and healthy choices.

No tablets, I-pods, video games, or the like, allowed!

Session dates:  Mondays - June 25, July 9, 23 & 30, August 6, 13 & 27, September 3

Session times:  5:30-6:30pm for novice and atom aged players (birth years 2008-2011)
                       6:30-7:30pm for peewee and bantam aged players (birth years 2004-2007)

Location:  Soccer fields at the Plattsville park (beside the arena)

While there is no cost to attend, we do ask that you register for these sessions so that an adequate number of instructors are available:  Please Register Here (for whichever dates the player can attend)

Questions about further information should be directed to Joe Frayne (volunteer extraordinaire!)