There will once again be a free skate for each age group before tryouts begin. All registered players are welcome to attend the free skate, whether planning to tryout for a rep team or not - get the rust off the skates and the legs moving again!
NOTE: Full equipment must be worn for the free skate, including neck guards and mouth guards. And don't forget your stick!
As you pull out last year's equipment, if your child has outgrown some items, please consider donating them to our equipment exchange program! Or use the program if you need to replace an item. Contact the program coordinator, Joe Frayne, at
[email protected]
Free Skate Schedule: Tuesday Sept 13th
5:00-5:50pm Novice ('08, '09)
6:00-6:50pm Atom ('06, '07)
7:00-7:50pm Peewee ('04, '05)
8:00-8:50pm Bantam ('02, '03) - mandatory parent & player meeting at 7pm
9:00-9:50pm Midget ('99, '00, '01) - mandatory parent & player meeting at 8pm
All teams: Regular ice times for all teams (including the Development groups - Fundamentals & Tyke) will start on Sat Sept 24/ Sun Sept 25.